Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Another Floral Heart

Hey Diva friends - Linda here with my take on a favorite digi image from this month's sponsor, SheepSki DesignsOur random winner from eligible August entries can chose 3 images from SheepSki!

For our August Challenge we're doing embossing - wet or dry; I chose to do dry.

SheepSki Designs Floral Heart

You can find all the details plus a bonus card on my blog

Thanks for visiting & we hope to see you in the August Gallery by 9pm Pacific on 8/31/24. Be sure to include either die cuts (if doing wet embossing) or an embossing folder in your design.

Happy crafting!
The Divas


Michelle N. said...

So pretty!

Trina P. said...

Fabulous! Love your bonus card on your blog, too.

Cindy C. said...

It's so pretty!

Lucille K said...

The background embossing on your card is lovely :)

Arlene said...

Just enough interest for the background to enhance the lovely floral heart.